How does a busy hospitalist find inner calm and health?

Episode 20: How does a busy hospitalist find inner calm and health?

Dr. Elizabeth Levine talks about meditation and yoga and the impact it has on her daily life and medical practice.

Show notes

Dr. Elizabeth Levine, an internist, hospitalist, Director of Hospital Medicine and the Chair of the Medicine Department at Northern Dutchess Hospital in Rhinebeck, NY speaks to GynoCurious about health and healing. She explores the role of meditation and yoga on her life and how these practices help her respond to the challenges of hospital work.

Dr Levine describes bringing these spiritual practices to the residents and the greater hospital community; honoring that some people embrace these practices and others decline. She discusses the prevalence of physicians burn out and moral injury and her approaches towards helping her colleagues with these challenges.

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Produced by Jennifer Hammoud and Matty Rosenberg @ Radio Free Rhiniecliff



Dr. Elizabeth Levine

Dr. Elizabeth Levine

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