Lorelei Sharkey speaks about the value of sexual education and the academy she founded to help young people learn about their bodies and sexual health.
Lorelei Sharkey is a cofounder of The Butterfly Academy; a health, self care and relational education organization in NY’s Hudson Valley. . She is an American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors & Therapists—Certified Sex Educator (AASECT-CSE), a Certified Holistic Sex Educator (CHES), and a seasoned sex-&-relationship writer who has, over the course of her 25-year career in the field, penned many books, columns and features in a variety of publications. The Butterfly Academy is dedicated to empowering kids and their parents around the realities of healthy relationships, diversity and body positivity with accurate information and age-appropriate honesty. Lorelei shares with GynoCurious how she came to be a sex-ed expert and how important it is to educate pre-teens and teens about sexual health. We discuss the benefits and the obstacles to sexual education across the country.
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Produced by Jennifer Hammoud and Matty Rosenberg @ Radio Free Rhiniecliff
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